Why Are Food Miles Important?
Food Miles are the calculations of the distance and energy it takes for our food to go from production point to our tables.
Counting our Food Miles can be a useful tool in understanding the ecological impact or food has on the planet. It can help open our eyes to the alternative ways in which we can obtain food and protect the Earth. Keeping track of our Food Miles can help stop the excessive use of fossil fuels and can help us reduce our carbon footprint by being more mindful of where we obtain our food.
What Are the Effects of Food Miles?
Food Miles have an extremely negative effect on the ecological health of our planet. If our food provides less energy to the consumer than it allows for when eaten, then it is a seriously irrational method of consumption. Additional Food Miles also strip local economies of necessary consumers, as mega-chain supermarkets utilize bulk importation to get cheaper food while using more of the resources of our planet in doing so. By reducing your Food Miles, you can help support the local economy and protect Earth’s natural resources. By being conscious of our food’s transportation methods, we can make a massive difference to our carbon footprint.
How Do You Calculate Food Miles?
Food miles are measured in WASD, or Weighted, Average, Source, Distances, which is essentially the average distance it takes food to go from the production point to the consumer according to its weight.
The equation to measure WASD is WASD= S(m(k)) x D(k)).
K represents the product’s location point when it is produced.
M represents the weight of the product being transported
D represents the distance between the production point and the point of sale of the product.
How Can We Reduce Our Food Miles?
The most important way we can reduce our Food Miles is to source your food from a local producer and limit the carbon emissions from fossil fuels mass food transportation releases. Another essential task is to eat a more seasonal diet and avoid foods that are not in season in your location.
The most significant way you can help is by getting involved in a local garden project and help start a community-based food production network. This is the best way to improve your health and fitness and is excellent for community health and wellbeing.